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How to Customize GA4 Looker Studio Templates of 88studio

How to Customize GA4 Looker Studio Templates of 88studio

You Can Customize GA4 Looker Studio Templates of 88studio as you want.

You are free to customize any of the report templates sold at 88studio. You are also free to sell your customized report templates for commercial use.Creating the templates all by yourself is very time consuming. Take advantage of templates to save time and use high quality reports.You can read more about how to customize the template in this previous article. This article will show you other useful customization methods, and if you have seen the 88studio demo report and would like to change this part of the report, please refer to this article to create your own 88studio report.

Change the order and display of pages

Learn how to change the order of pages in the report template or hide some pages.Open the report in Looker Studio and click edit to switch to edit mode.

change edit edition

Next, click on the area in the image below. 

edit page

The Report Pages shown in the image below will then appear on the right side.

Change the order of pages

 Move the cursor to the left of the name of the page you want to change the order of, and a mark will appear.

change  the order or pages

Change view or hide page in view mode

Hover over the page and click on the three dots that appear on the right side of the page.

view edit mode

The menu will then appear as shown below.Clicking on "Hide in view mode" will make the page disappear in view mode.If there are pages in the template that you do not need, you can set this Hide in view mode or Delete to prevent them from being displayed.

 You can also make various other edits to the page in this menu.Customize pages by renaming, duplicating, and adding icons to page names.


Change comparison data range

You can change the comparison period and the content displayed in the report.

Change the comparison period

Click on the element for which you want to change the comparison period and select Comparison data range on the right.

You can change the time period to be compared from the choices selected here. Advanced allows you to set a more detailed comparison period.

Here are some examples of Advanced settings. In the image below, the month six months prior is set as the comparison period. As you can see, Advanced allows flexible setting of the comparison period.


Change the event to be displayed for conversions

For the default report template, all events that are set for conversions will be displayed. Here is how to display only specific events for this event.

We will show only view_item and view_cart with the three events set as conversions as shown below.

 Select the target table and click Add a filter in the SETUP menu.


This edit screen is used to narrow down the events. In this case, we want to exclude the FIRST_VISIT event, so we set the following. Set the filter name, Inclue or Exclude, item, condition, content, etc. according to what you want to filter, and click SAVE at the bottom right.

The event is then narrowed down in this way. You can also customize the content displayed like this.

In addition to the customizations shown here, reports can also be customized using Looker Studio's features, and you can create your own reports based on 88studio's report templates. 

Looker Studio for GA4 Report

Although there are some caveats, it is very convenient to be able to group easily using only Looker Studio. In this case, I used page title and screen class, but you can use it in other dimensions to expand the range of its utilization. In addition, it is much easier to create a report using a well-designed template than to create a dashboard in Looker Studio all by yourself. You can also customize your reports as you like.

We also offer free report templates that you can use immediately.

Free GA4 Report Template

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