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[GA4] How to check conversion rate | How to check by day is also explained.

[GA4] How to check conversion rate | How to check by day is also explained.

How to check conversion rate | How to check by day is also explained.

This article explains how to check the "conversion rate" in GA4. 
In the latter part of the article, we will introduce the free version of the GA4 report template.As shown in the capture below, you can check the conversion rate very clearly and immediately for free.

GA4 template with monthly conversion rate

conversion rate

What is Conversion rate?

"Conversion rate" is a metric that indicates the percentage of visitors who achieve a specific goal. For instance, in the context of a website or online advertising, the conversion rate typically represents the proportion of visitors who make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, submit an inquiry form, or take a similar action.

Events marked as conversions in GA4 are counted as conversion events.

Summary of how to check conversion rate in GA4

GA4 provides various reporting functions, such as reports, explore, Looker Studio and BigQuery, which can be summarized as follows

  • Report: Overall view of the data
  • Explore: Detailed analysis
  • Looker Studio: Reporting and KPI monitoring
  • BigQuery: Advanced analysis using SQL (for engineers)

From here, we will explain how to check conversion rate in each report, so choose the appropriate report for your purpose. Note that this article does not explain BigQuery, because it requires knowledge of SQL and is not suitable as a means to simply check the conversion rate.

How to check conversion rate in report

How to check the details of conversion rate

Select "Reports" > "Engagement" > "Conversions" from the left menu to see more detailed data.

This report can also change the items displayed, and can be analyzed by multiplying multiple dimensions.Please refer to the detailed explanation in"[GA4]How to use Reports | Detailed explanation of how to customize them".

How to check conversion rate in explore

Next, let's create an explore that allows you to see views by day and month using an explore that allows you to freely set items. An explore can be created in the following three steps

  • Select the type of report
  • Select the items you want to use for the report
  • Set the report items

How to check conversion rate by day and month in the explore

Select report type

First, select "free-form" from the search report types.

select free-form

Select the items you want to use for your report

Select Dimension:After selecting "Free Format," first select the "Dimension" to be used in the report.

Step1:On the "Variables" tab, select the "+" to the right of "Dimension.

select dimension


Step2:Type "date" in the search window at the top of the page, check the box for the date that appears in the list, and then select "Import" in the upper right corner. Then follow the same procedure to import the four dimensions below.

  • Month
  • Year

how to select dimension

Step3:When the selected dimension appears as in the capture below, you are done


Select metrics:Once you have finished adding "dimensions," select the next "metrics" to be used in the report.

Step1:On the "metrics" tab, select the "+" to the right of "metrics."

select metrics

Step2:Type "conversion" in the search window at the top of the page, check the box for "session conversion rate" that appears in the list, and then select "Import" in the upper right corner. Then, follow the same procedure to import all of the following indicators so that you can add other indicators alongside "session conversion rate".

  • Sessions
  • Conversions

Step3:When the selected metrics appears as in the capture below, you are done.

Set up report items

Once you have added the items you wish to use in your report by following the previous steps, you can actually create the report. Set up as follows to complete each report.

daily report

  • ROWS: Date
  • COLUMNS:none
  • VALUES:Sessions,Conversion rate per session,Conversions

monthly report 

  • ROWS: Year,Month
  • COLUMNS:none
  • VALUES:Sessions,Conversion rate per session,Conversions

How to check conversion rate in Looker Studio

Using Looker Studio is very easy. All you have to do is link Looker Studio and GA4 to create a data source and then create a report using that data source.

First, let us show you how to link the two, so you can actually follow the steps.

How Looker Studio and GA4 connect


Open Looker Studio and select "Data Source" from "Create" on the home screen.

create datasource


From the list of connectors screen, select "Google Analytics".

select google analytics


Next, select the target GA4 account.

If you grant Looker Studio access to your Google Analytics account, you will see the available Google Analytics account properties view; for GA4, there is no view, so select the property that starts with GA4, as shown in the figure below, and in the upper right corner, select " Connections".

 select property

If the target Google Analytics account does not appear, check the Google account you are logged into.

This screen shows the Google Analytics account associated with the Google account you are currently logged in to. If the Google Analytics you wish to use for reporting does not appear here, please check to see if the Google account you are logged into has permissions to use the target Google Analytics. 



After connecting, you will be taken to the list of fields screen as shown in the figure below, and you have completed the creation of the data source. Select "Create Report" in the upper right corner to proceed to report creation.

made datasource

How to create a GA4 report using Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio)

Select the type of graph
Set the dimensions and metrics
Set the style
Add controls

Select the type of graph

Looker Studio offers 11 types of graphs. Select the type of graph that best suits the purpose of your report.

  • Tables: Display detailed numerical values
  • Scorecard: Displays totals for key indicators
  • Period: Displays time-series trends
  • Bar: Compare the magnitude of values for each item
  • Circles: Displays the percentage of each item
  • Google Map: Displays regional data on a map
  • Map chart: Displays regional data on a map
  • Line: Displays time-series trends
  • Plane: Displays time-series trends with a breakdown
  • Scatter plots: Can show the correlation between two indicators
  • Pivot table: Cross tabulation using two dimensions

In this article, we will create a daily report using the graph type "Table" as an example, so go to "Add Graph" and add "Table".

select chart

Select dimension and metrics

Once the table is added, set the "Dimension" and "metrics" respectively.

Dimension: Date
Indicators: Sessions,Conversion rate per session,Conversions


Set up  style

After setting up dimensions and metrics, set up styles to make them easier to see.

Adjust column widths

With the table selected, right-click and select "Resize Columns" and then "Distribute Evenly".

distribute evenly

Sort by date

In Sort by, select "Date" and then "Ascending".

 sort by date

Change chart style

Switch the tab from "Settings" to "Style," change the metrics you want to make stand out (in this case, conversion) to "Bar " and check "Show Number.

change style

 Add a control

Finally, add controls.

Adding controls allows the user with whom the report was shared to select a time period and use filters to refine the data.

Add a Date range control


Go to "Insert" and select "Date range control".

date range control


Select the "Auto date range" for the Default date range.


As shown below, you will be given options such as "this month," "from the beginning of this month to today," or "last month," so choose the most appropriate one. Note that we recommend "From the beginning of this month to today" or "Last month" since the daily report will often track the progress of the current month or summarize the results of the previous month.


Looker Studio for GA4 report creation that is easy for anyone to understand 

We have explained how to use "Reports," but because of the complexity of how to customize report items (dimensions and indicators) and the lack of design flexibility, "Reports" are only specialized for those in charge to understand the overall situation.

If you want to create a GA4 report that is easy for anyone to understand, we recommend Google's Looker Studio, which is easy to customize items and offers a high degree of freedom in design.

Here is a free trial version of the very popular GA4 Looker Studio template. It is completely free and available immediately, so if you are having trouble creating a GA4 report that is easy for everyone to understand, please give it a try.


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